Manually activated Behaviours stay active until they are explicitely deactivated
By default, Remote Buddy does automatically switch to the Behaviour that controls the currently active application. This is also valid, if you manually select the Behaviour for an application from Remote Buddy's menu: Remote Buddy automatically switches to other Behaviours as soon as the currently active application changes. Activating this checkbox will make your
manual selections in Remote Buddy's menu to stick until you have explicitely deactivated them again - no matter, which application is currently active.
Button presses create activity (deactivates/delays screen savers)
If this checkbox is checked (it is by default), any button press on any supported remote will postpone the point in time where your screen saver becomes active - or deactivate the screensaver, if it is currently active.
Play confirmation sound when changing system volume
Remote Buddy can play a confirmation sound whenever you change the system volume through Remote Buddy. Just like you are used to from the volume keys on your keyboard.
Enable Ad Hoc Receivers
Enable or disable the ad hoc receiver - used to allow EyeTV to communicate with Remote Buddy.
Activate behaviour on startup
If you want to activate a specific Behaviour as soon as Remote Buddy has started up, you can select it here. Please note, that, if this Behaviour controls an application, it will almost certainly launch that application as well. Unless you have a real good reason to set anything else than the default ("None (recommended)"), you should not change this setting.