Menu preferences

Remote Buddy offers you almost limitless freedom in the configuration of your own structures for Remote Buddy's onscreen menu. And it's shockingly easy, too!
Settings - Menu size & effects
Menu fading special effect
If the graphics card of your Mac® can execute Core Image filters, a bunch of fun and eye-catching effects are available while Remote Buddy' menu is faded in and out.
Menu size
This slider adjusts the size of Remote Buddy's menu, so that you are able to optimize its size for your screen and usage scenario.
Tip: If you press the menu button after opening Remote Buddy's preferences and then move the slider, you'll see the size of the menu changing in realtime.
Do not display a remote control picture in the menu's mapping overview
Remote Buddy offers an overview of which button does trigger which action for every Behaviour. This overview does usually also contain an image of your remote control. If the horizontal space on your screen is too precious for decorative images, you can disable them by activating this checkbox.
Menu profiles & context menus
What's the difference?
Remote Buddy logically devides the menu structure into two parts. The first one is the "main menu", which you are configuring in so called "menu profiles". Profiles are custom menu structures. You can have as many of them as you want and even switch between them from within Remote Buddy's menu itself.

The second one are so called "context menus". These menus are specific to the currently active Behaviour and typically show up when you press the Menu button on your remote control. They give you a place for additional actions, controls, (file) browsers, etc. on a per-application/Behaviour basis. You can find more info in the Menu: Basic concepts part of this helpbook.

Built-in menu profiles
Remote Buddy ships with two built-in menu profiles for different purposes:

The Simplified profile lists all Behaviours supported by your system in the root level of the menu and adds the tools at the end. If you have only a few applications you want to use with Remote Buddy, you'll likely find this profile to fit your needs best.

The Hierarchic profile organizes all Behaviours supported by your system in logical groups. If you have a lot of applications you want to use with Remote Buddy, this will massively shorten navigation times and is thus recommended for this scenario.

Built-in profiles can not be changed as they are created dynamically. Learn how you can create your own, editable profiles, below.
Create your own menu profiles
To create your own menu profiles, click on the + icon in the lower, left corner of the window and decide whether you want to use an empty profile or rather use a copy of an existing profile as a starting point.
Changing the active profile / the profile you want Remote Buddy to use
To set the profile Remote Buddy should use, select it in the source list on the left, then click on the checkmark button in the bar on the lower-left of the window.
Deleting a menu profile
To remove a menu profile, select it in the source list on the left, then click on the "-" button in the bar on the lower-left of the window.
Editing menu layouts
Adding and removing menu items
To add items to a menu, simply drag them from the Item Library (below the source list on the left) into the "Menu layout" (on the right) and drop them where you want them to be placed.

To remove items from a menu, select them in the "Menu layout" view, then press the "-" button below the "Menu layout" view.
Adding logical folders
Press the "+" button below the "Menu layout" view to create a new, logical folder you can use to build folder hierarchies or to group items.
Adding filesystem objects (filebrowser and app launcher)
Adding filesystem objects is done by drag and drop, too. Simply drag it in from the Finder™. When adding filesystem objects, please be sure to drag them "inbetween" two items and not "on" items as it will be interpreted as alternative artwork for an item otherwise. A drag "inbetween" items will just draw a line with a small circle on the left. A drag "on" an item will draw a border around the entire line of the item.
Renaming items and profiles
Double click on an item or profile to edit its name.
Exchanging item artwork
Dragging an image file on an item will exchange its artwork. Please make sure the artwork has a normal icon size (128 x 128 max) as menu performance might suffer otherwise.

When exchanging artwork, please be sure to drag them "on" the item and not "inbetween" items as it will otherwise be added as filesystem object. A drag "inbetween" items will just draw a line with a small circle on the left. A drag "on" an item will draw a border around the entire line of the item.
Showing and hiding the Item Library

The Item Library contains all menu items you can use in your menu (except folders and filesystem objects). You can drag and drop them from the left to the currently active profile on the right. The built-in profiles can not be modified. Please read above to learn how to create and manage your own profiles.

To show and hide the Item Library, click on the icon in the lower-left corner of the window that shows an up/down arrow surrounded by borders.